Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Drivable Grass

I learned about Drivable Grass® while looking for a planted paving system that created a networked environment for growth, rather than isolated pockets, thinking that this would allow creeping and spreading plants a better growing environment. The product is also flexible, which is neat. It's featured on Fort McCoy's newsletter, something I wouldn't typically find myself reading.

Land manager at a military base scoping out Drivable Grass pre installation.

Drivable grass in its second season, seeded once and mowed once a season. There are some other photos online of the product with manicured grass in subdivisions if that's your thing. 

I like that this pavement shows the concrete and the grass coexisting, making the happy marriage of concrete and soil as a support for stepped upon plants legible. I'm not alone in this preference: the land manager at Fort McCoy notes that the paving material is easily spotted from the air should a medevac helicopter need to land. Icing on the cake. (Of course in reference to my aesthetic preference, not emergency medical care).

The combination of concrete, soil-filled pores, and living plants provides benefits such as permeability, heat absorption, and reduced maintenance through the elimination of sealing and coating, herbicide application, and crack repair.